distance calculator


Enable your website or app to compute the distance and travel time between points on a map using reliable and accurate APIs

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Distance Matrix API Accurate

Duration and duration in traffic 
Based on real-time data
Driving, walking, and bicycling modes
Departure & arrival time
Distance in traffic mode
Any languages

Distance Matrix API Fast

Duration (average time)
Based on aggregated average data
The fastest response in milliseconds
Driving mode
The best result for the English language
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Geocoding API Accurate
Direct and reverse geocoding included
The highest level of accuracy
Index supported
Additional parameters
Additional data verification
Efficient response time (≈1s)
Ideal for navigation systems, real estate management, and urban planning
Geocoding API Fast
Direct and reverse geocoding included
Reasonable accuracy
Optimized database
Even faster response times (≈0,5s)
Simplified algorithms for speed
Ideal for logistics, delivery services, mobile apps requiring quick responses
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Test all our APIs for free and choose the best solution for your particular needs.

Main APIs benefits

quick response
Quick response
Our APIs are designed to be cost-effective, scalable from 5 to 500 elements per second, ensuring you get maximum value and efficiency
real-time traffic
Real-time update on traffic conditions
Exclusive real-time traffic updates, including congestion, travel modes, and restrictions. You're always ahead with the most current data
alternative to google
Easy migration
If you're using Google Maps API, there's no need to rewrite your existing code. Enjoy the convenience of an easy migration.
affordable price
Transparent pricing & value
Enjoy clear, competitive pricing with bonuses, without the hidden fees often found elsewhere
high accuracy
High accuracy
The API offers accuracy and coverage comparable to industry-leading similar services.
world coverage
World coverage
Get data from any point in the world, wherever your business is located

Customer reviews

Ailton Santos
Founder and CEO at greenddt, Brazil
"I have a marketplace startup and we work at pest control market São Paulo, Brazil.The idea is get the Matrix distance API to find the closest partners, the final user and foment the local business to them, avoid expenses with gasoline, vehicle depreciation and spent time to displacement in São Paulo city.
The value that we saw in using the API are: easy to use, the performance is great and the result in kilometers is better when we comparing to the others players API like, Google, OSRM and Open Rout Service."
Har Dhillon
Full Stack Developer, UK
"We were really happy with the distance matrix API and it's speed. A great competitor to the Google matrix API and really fantastic that it works in a similar way. Makes it very easy when you want to move away from the Google API."
Riccardo Lucato
Co-Founder at Adamas, Germany
"So far I am satisfied with DistanceMatrix.ai, above all with its ease of use. It is more intuitive and straightforward than other APIs I’ve used in the past."
Camille Morand
"I use your API for a project where the goal is to create an online marketplace, which has to call different services, using SOAP and REST. Among this services, I need one to be able to compute transport fees, according to the distance between the buyer and the seller. I use your API for that. I find your API very easy to use for my case. Particularly, I appreciate having the choice in the location definition: it was useful for me to be able to use postal code as city names."
Benjamin Coppel
Flex Consultant at Square Wave, Australia
"I develop custom reports and other custom software solutions to extend the functionality of an inventory tracking and logistics package. In this case I am using the Distance matrix API to provide distance and duration of delivery trips. I am loving the Distance matrix API - everything about it works perfectly for me."
Alex Fischer
Software Developer at Quadrant Newmedia Corporation, Canada
"It was well documented, easy to use, and there was no barrier to entry for the trial. We’ll definitely keep it in mind for any larger future projects."
Wassim Ammar
"I am very happy and satisfied with DistanceMatrix.ai's API. It helps me a lot on my project thanks to its simplicity and efficiency, I am really grateful for its fantastic services and I would like to thank all the team of DistanceMatrix.ai."
Gustavo Villela Rodrigues
Senior Consultant, Management Consulting at KPMG Consultoria Ltda., Brazil
"I have used the DistanceMatrix.ai punctually to get some distances between addresses, worked very well and I am satisfied with results."
Niels Kuipers
Software developer student at Avans Hogeschool, the Netherlands
"Me and a group of 5 other students are working on a project that uses the distancematrix api, we like it a lot! We would love to use it for the entirety of our project."
Jayson Reynolds
Systems Architect and Software Engineer at Seven Lemons, South Africa
"This API is really brilliant. I love the data that comes back. Great to develop on an API that works well :)"
Mario Rossi
"I use DistanceMatrix for a personal project. I use it in amateur regularity rallies to build checkpoints along the route and verify that onboard instruments are working well.My use case is quite simple and I need a simple and fast service. But I need a RELIABLE service. DistanceMatrix is simple and fast to learn and it's really RELIABLE!"
Kareem Dabbeet
IT Engineering student at Damascus University, Syria
"I've spent a huge time searching for the best API to give me distance matrix API. Websites like: Google distance API, Traveltime, Mapbox, Openrouteservice, OSRM, Graphhopper, and more. However, I've faced too much limitation in each API. I've found your website that combines all these features in one place. Your API is the best above all other ones."
Mark Zamie
Barrientos, Philippines
"Distancematrix.ai helps me a lot learning how to develop a mobile app with navigation, also I love the fact that its API calls and response are identical with Google API."
Matthias Kurz
"I wanted to know how long we have to drive by car from address x to each hike for a list of hikes, sorted by the time it needs... In each case a fast look in my list helps. Advantage: I don't have to manual copy paste each address to Google maps. For my private use case, your API was great!! If I would need something for work I would consider using it."
Marcos Roriz
Professor and Researcher Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil
"I'm a professor at Federal University of Goiás (Brazil), where I work in the Transportation Engineering department. I'm using Distance Matrix AI in an Artificial Intelligence class that I teach on the course. The class is focused on Computational Evolution and Metaheuristics.I'm teaching the students in using Distance Matrix AI API to build a real distance O/D for optimizing the routes of a small supply chain product."
Marcos de Lafuente
Senior Software Engineer, Mexico
"I compared the result with Google's API and it was EXACTLY THE SAME. It took me less than 5 mins since I first reached your site until I did my first test. That was incredibly easy."
Shuhei Kishi
Data Scientist at Dasa, Brazil
"I think this API is very good. The price is reasonable and the outcome is stable between areas. I like this."
Rupali Janbandhu
Trainee at Eternus Solutions Pvt. Ltd., India
"The best part of using DistanceMartix.AI is that it sends the response even if you give two zip code in the address!"
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