Guide to Using the Arrival Time-Based Distance Matrix Application on


Welcome to, where we continuously strive to enhance our services and tailor them to your specific needs. Based on valuable feedback from our users, we're excited to introduce a dedicated application focused on Arrival Time calculations. This guide will walk you through the process of utilizing this new feature, ensuring you can maximize the efficiency of your operations with precise arrival time planning.

Getting Started

To begin, you'll need to download three essential files, which are crucial for the application's functionality. These files include sample data, your unique token and the application executable file. It's important to store these files in the same directory to ensure smooth operation. You can download these files [here](

The Files Explained

1. Data File: This file is your starting point. It contains sample data to help you familiarize yourself with the application. You'll find examples including precise addresses, approximate addresses, postal codes (always include the country name), and geographic coordinates. The key update is the inclusion of "arrival_time" in the Unix Timestamp format, replacing the "departure_time" column. Use a service like [UnixTimestamp]( to convert your desired arrival time into the correct format. Ensure the time is reasonable to avoid the "ZERO_RESULTS" error. Enter the coordinates between which you want to calculate the route. Do it in the format shown in the example. 

2. Token File: Your access key to the application. Insert your active token here to enable the application. If you don't have a token, register on the platform to obtain one. The platform offers up to 5 free tokens under the Free plan, with an option for unlimited tokens under the Growth plan.
3. Request Sender File: This executable file, named "Request_sender_1x1_distancematrix_ai," is the heart of the application. After populating the data file with your query details and inserting your token, run this file. A console window will open, displaying the process in real-time. You can terminate the script at any moment using CTRL + C.

4. Result File:  An example file named "result_2023-10-12_02-35-19" shows the output format of the application. The application processes requests sequentially, ensuring accuracy and completeness. A "result.csv" file will be generated automatically when you initiate the application, compiling all your query results.

Application Insights

- For "driving" mode queries, refer to the "Duration in traffic" for an estimate that considers current traffic conditions.
- For "walking" and "transit" modes, the "Duration" field will suffice, with transit mode automatically accounting for traffic conditions.

Interested in exploring further? We've recently launched a new dashboard designed to streamline the token creation and payment process. Register now to receive new tokens, along with a complimentary bonus for new users. This dashboard also facilitates easy payment card linking for automatic plan upgrades, ensuring you always have access to the volume of elements you need.

Should you encounter any issues or have questions, our support team is here to assist. Whether you need help with file setup, understanding result outputs, or any other inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out.